Monday, April 21, 2008

Another milestone!

This morning at about 6:30am... Evan rolled over for the first time. I was so proud of him! I was cheering him on every little effort he made. He was so cute and proud of himself when he finally made it. I was beyond proud, too! Just one more milestone of many many MANY more to come.

Plus, because I can, I'm attaching a couple of my cell phone photos to this post.

One more thing... please pray for the little guy (and his parents). He's got his four month well baby check-up on Wednesday, which means more shots. He was a little trouper last time, at two months, but he's a little more aware of what's going on now. We've got the Tylenol ready for him, but prayers would be appreciated!

1 comment:

  1. Go EVAN. Woo Hoo. I can picture you guys rooting him on, too. :)
