Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Back to Work

I can't believe it happened already. I'm back to work after Emma's arrival. It's been just about seven weeks since her stunning arrival! Time is going MUCH faster now, I'm sure of it. 

Today is only my second day back, and actually, my first FULL day back. I will gladly admit that I am struggling. What Mom would not want to be home with her kids? I miss them so much. I don't want to miss all the cool new things Emma does, and the continued cute things that Evan's been doing. Emma made a valiant attempt to roll over yesterday. She was laying on the couch between Mommy & Daddy and was just trying to maneuver herself closer to Daddy (she's Daddy's girl already!). She made it onto her side with no problem, and would have used the momentum of the couch to get the rest of the way over, but Daddy stopped her. She's such an overachiever. 

Emma also went an amazing 5 and a half hours between feedings last night! The downside of that was that Robin had stayed up to give her a feeding so I could get a little extra sleep, making it an alarming NINE hours between feedings for Mommy. Not a good, or comfortable feeling. Bless her heart, we're reevaluating the overnight feeding schedule. Mommy can't go that long between feedings. 

Evan still really likes his little sister. It's Mommy and Daddy he's not too happy with right now. That's our impression, anyway. We think that he's acting out for attention. He will literally look us in the eyes and do exactly what we asked him NOT to do while he's doing it. He will run in the opposite direction when we call his name and he woke up at 5:30 two mornings in a row. (We actually think he might be trying to kill us... subconsciously.) Even through all that, he's still the cutest, sweetest little boy in the entire world. Both of our kids are basically, the best.   
Evan wanted to be close to his sister... just not 'too' close.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Parents of Two

The hardest thing I've found about being a parent of a newborn and almost two year old is getting enough sleep. Everything else has it's challenges, but it's pretty manageable.

Doing everything with a lack of sleep makes it just a touch more difficult. It's still wonderful, though. Emma is a complete joy. She does, however, make the most interesting noises in her sleep. My Dad says that when I was a newborn, I was sleeping in their room and I was so noisy, he needed to move me out so he could get his sleep. I understand this now. Emma isn't even really in our room. We have her bassinet in the dining room, but we can STILL hear her many noises as she sleeps. We don't know what that's all about, but it can keep a person awake.

Today (or, yesterday, I guess at this point), Robin, Evan, Emma & I made the trek to GTCC for a H1N1 vaccination clinic. Evan getting the vaccine was our priority, but I was hoping to be able to get one, too. I was shot down (no pun intended) repeatedly. I asked every health department official I came in contact with, including the Medical Director himself, but was told I was not a 'priority,' even though my OB doctor told me I was. I understand they are trying to stem the epidemic where it will be most likely spread (the children & college students), but I wanted it so I could protect my daughter, darn it! Supposedly, there will still be enough vaccines... eventually.

In other news, I only have ONE WEEK left of my maternity leave. I'm trying not to dwell on it, because I know we need the money, but I really don't want to go back to work. No surprise, there, I guess. I can't imagine any Mom wanting to leave her two kids at home. Robin doesn't want me to go back either. He will be at home with the kids, and Maw Maw (our new 'grandma' type name for Lu, Robin's Mom) will be watching them as well. Please pray for us all as we prepare to make this adjustment!

Here are a few photos, for those of you who may not see them on Facebook!

Here is Evan, embracing his Hip-Hop side.

Emma, saying HI!

Evan, sharing Mr. Penguin with Emma. After this, he also let he use his 'blankie' for a few brief seconds.

Emma, in repose...

Our outing to Barberito's, a favorite Mexican Grill in town. This was our first trip out with both kids!