Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Lullaby... and good night!

I'm so proud of our little guy! Last night, he slept 7 hours straight! Yeah! Evan!! WOO HOO! The whole family was so tired last night that we all went to sleep around 9:30. Evan did not stir until 4:30! Then, he went right back to sleep after he ate! What an answer to prayer.

He was especially cranky for Daddy over the past two days and had been particularly cranky over the weekend, too. It was actually kind of cute. He would go to sleep, but he would have a bit of a scowl on his face... sort of saying "I'm asleep, but I'm not happy about it!" He's adorable, though, and we couldn't love him any more if we tried.

Today, he's spending the day with Grandma, and he was all smiles this morning when we all left the house, so here's hoping today is a better day. He got some good sleep... we've got that going for us!

Monday, March 17, 2008

New Photos!

I swear, our little guy gets cuter every day. What do you think?

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

What a good boy!

Last night, Evan slept for 6 hours straight... in his crib! What a good boy! His Mommy & Daddy got to sleep that long, too! We were ALL just so tired, we went to bed and passed out. Here's hoping for more of that in the near future. Evan is hanging out with Grandma today, so she'll probably wear him out, too. He gets so excited to go and visit!

So, here's hoping the sleep continues! I could use about, oh... three years of uninterrupted sleep. Now I know why bears hibernate.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Not so good at the time change

Well, as we all know, the clocks were turned ahead this weekend. This is a BIG DEAL in the life of a baby. We also put Evan in his crib for the first time this weekend. He had been sleeping in his carseat, because aside from being held and sometimes nesting in his Boppy, he wouldn't sleep anywhere else! (Except between Mommy & Daddy on the bed, and that wasn't really working for Mommy & Daddy.)

So, both Saturday and Sunday night were challenging sleeping nights. He didn't do too bad on Saturday night, except that it was quite late when he finally went to sleep. After that, he did pretty well. Last night on the other hand was not a pretty sight. He easily woke up four times, and never wanted to go back to sleep.

Please pray for the little guy to adjust to his sleeping soon so Mommy & Daddy might be able to get some sleep. I don't feel like I can function properly as it's going now.

Thanks for the prayers, and please don't forget to keep praying for little Reagan Olivia (see previous post). They had a bit of a scare over the weekend.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Prayer Request

Hello everyone!

Although I always appreciate the prayers of my friends for my little boy, today, I'm asking for prayer for a friend of a friend... sort of.

I don't even know them personally, but I know their parents and their brother. Anyway...

Please be in prayer for Robert & Amy Winslow and their brand new baby girl, Reagan Olivia. Reagan was born at 24 weeks old just this week. As a new mother, it breaks my heart to see this little girl born so early, but it's an encouragement to me to read the words of her parents and grandparents and to help them by lifting them all up in prayer.

Please join me to lift this family up in prayer, as the road ahead is definitely a bumpy one... but I am always reminded that God already knows how it's going to turn out, and He always has our good in mind.

Little Reagan has a blog on blogspot, too... You can see how to pray for her and the family and get updates!

Thanks everyone!